Lab rats!

I’ve been called many many names. Now I’m fully vaccinated from COVID-19, add lab rat to that list.

It seems certain groups of anti-vaxxers, many being conservatives, have taken to calling those that get the vaccine lab rats, commies, etc.

Let me remind you all that you are no better. You are being cruel, foul bullies and need to stop it now.

I think it’s ironic that you are the people that have been complaining for over a year about the government controlling your lives and calling professionals like Dr. Fauci a socialist fraud.

First of, since when do you allow elected officials, many of whom are white privileged boomers, dictate your health and wellness decisions? Secondly, why is someone that wishes to get vaccinated any of your business? Finally, some of you claim to be good folks and Christians. Would Jesus Christ demonize folks for this choice? I don’t think so and neither should you.

This pandemic has definitely brought out the worst in folks and shown me who I would rather not associate with a lot or at all. So yes I’m fully vaccinated. Yes I’m a lab rat. I’m also informed, compassionate, have common sense and don’t allow any government nor media to control me. I also don’t bully others because it isn’t cool.

I will end this by saying “as you were,..”

#imjustdrew #fromdarktosunshine #scaredeyes

The real influence of words and branding.

There is definitely a lot of power in words. The power is intensified when a celebrity uses it or gets behind it.

You’re seeing a lot of folks using “expeditiously” so much just because of TI. And this word has been around for so long. Same with swagger and many other words. I can already tell that when a word or phrase gets popular, I seek out the celebrity that made it popular.

Folks drink Hennessy and call it a fine whiskey because of Snoop Dogg and Nas. Nikes weren’t worn widespread until Michael Jordan released his shoes. Name recognition is one of the keys to getting a product or phrase notoriety. It doesn’t have to be a great product either. People look up to and admire others. Sometimes a celebrity will do or say something unintentionally and then it catches on.

I just like for folks to be individuals and be themselves. Outside of the Lord and your parents, your biggest motivation should be yourself. You should ask yourself who is saying these words and why? What show/movie did that quote come from? Ask yourself why and then look deep inside yourself. It doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with that person and no cause for judgment is necessary. It’s a thinking point is all.

Social media has fueled this fire. It determines oftentimes who should be praised and who shouldn’t when folks can’t make up their mind.

Think about this next time you’re talking to someone or typing a text or message. Look at the words you’re using, the language and why. It may tell a lot about yourself or very little

#imjustdrew #fromdarktosunshine #scaredeyes